M*nace, the young busty queen is having a sexual affair with a dog and the jackal god, Anubis. M*nace is on the beach when she sees the palace guardian dog, Black, fu*king a smaller dog. Getting horny, she tempts the dog to fuck her and it does. At night, the jackal god Anubis comes to punish her by fu*king her until she begs to stop. But the horny queen doesn’t want it to stop, instead she wants more. 1 week later, Anubis takes the new doggy queen to the castle front to show the people how slutty their queen has become. What is her people’s reaction ? And what will M*nace become after that?
Categories:Software,CG Set
Genre:Bukkake,Pregnancy/Impregnation,Breast Sex,Rape
Release date:Jun/21/2014