*** To play this game a smartphone and wireless router is required. *** *** Only the 64 bit version of Windows 7 to 10 will work (It does not work with the 32 bit version) *** *** Make sure to check system compatibility via the Trial Version. *** Enjoy Virtual Sex using a Smartphone Controller! Contains: – PC only edition (works without VR) – VIVE edition – Oculus Rift Touch edition Install the acceleration analysis app accacc and use your smartphone as a controller! Android version: accacc https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.software.wayabi.accacc iPhone version: accacc https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/acc-acc/id1168904430?mt=8 (Or search using the keywords accacc wifi) [Play Contents] – Airi and Veene await your arrival! – You can get nice and close to and licky lick kissy kiss their faces. – Shake the smartphone for piston like thrusting movement. – Use a combination of kissing and thrusting to make the girls cum. – You can calibrate the girl’s size, location and angle to your preferences. – Contains 2 stages x 2 characters x 3 sexual positions!
Circle:NNNE soft
Categories:Game,Simulation / VR Simulation Smartphone Controller accacc compatible
Release date:Aug/20/2017