Story The peace of this world is threatened by an evil organization known as “Black Diamond”. However, there is one group of powerful women standing in their way… Purity Squad VirginaColors! They wield powers that can only be possessed by pure virgins, and fight to destroy the evils that threaten this planet! A prequel to the manga series. You don’t need to have read the manga to enjoy this game. Game System Simulation RPG with the motif of corrupted morals. Small number of easy stages Playable with mouse only Multiple endings H Scenes etc. Various corruption routes Over 20 H-scenes Over 100 event CGs (including variations) Scene recollection can be accessed anytime via the title screen Specifications Screen resolution: 1280×720 Save / Load function Scene recollection Stage skip feature (unlocked upon game completion) Save data from the trial version can be used in the full version. This game was created with “SRPG STUDIO”. Please make sure to test operation with the trial version before purchasing. Warning: The creator has specifically pointed out that the English is a machine translation.
Genre:Female Protagonist,Transforming Girl,Vore,Lesbian,Corrupted Morals,Brainwashing,Virgin Female
Release date:10/21/2023