Horror GUI & Icons pack!

Summer’s horror !! Very gore ! High definitions GUI illustrations for horror based games : stock of illustrations & icons! * Made for PC and smartphone-friendly. * Screen resolution PC:816×624 800×600 640×480 544×416 SP:1080×1920 540×960 * File format png psd bg:transparent * HD icons 38 unique icons +66 variations 512×512 256×256 192×192 96×96 * About samples All sample icon images are provided in the trial version. * Notes on psd files psd files were exported from Paint Tool SAI. https://www.systemax.jp/ja/sai/ And, photoshop CS2. You will know from which software the files were exported by theses marks : _s _p Which means : _s=SAI _p=PhotoshopCS2 Due to the difference of specification of each software, these may not open properly in other software . Please note that if you use other software are not supported. * Terms of use / FAQ 1. All ownership and copyright of the icon collections remains the property of Ruruga. 2. Can I repost these resources? No. 3. Are these resources allowed in commercial games? Yes. 4. Can I edit these resources? Yes. 5. Can I distribute these edited resources? No. 6.Is credit required? How do I credit? Optional.

Circle:Mori no oku no kakurezato

Categories:Software,Image Material


Release date:Aug/24/2015
